Saturday, April 18, 2020

Songs for the grocery-obsessed.

"Yes, we have no bananas" -- perfect for right now! I've heard a lot of complaints of no bananas in stores during the current epic shortages. Spike Jones did a cover of this song too (in case you are a fan of Spike Jones, or even have ever heard of him).The original version from 1923, when it was a smash hit:

"Mama no want no rice no peas no coconut oil," Calypso version. It isn't exactly about being shut in with limited groceries (haha). But the words seem like they match the situation. I don't think I ever heard all the lyrics, just the first line, which was running through my mind. The very different earlier versions by by Count Basie and by Burl Ives are also entertaining and very retro.

This blog post by Mae Sander for mae food dot blog spot dot com.


  1. Mae,
    Thank you.. listening brought a smile to my face!

  2. Very nice post. Here's an article about bananas and their problems:

  3. Could it be that bananas aren't in season right now where the shortages are being reported? I read an article on BBC news yesterday that might interest you, regarding a pork processing plant in the US.

  4. We have bananas. Actually we have "the normal, the usual"....
    We slowly go back to normal, schools might open soon. Well, for the "mature" ones at least.
    Crazy times.
    Fun Song, who is Mr. Pete? Well, we have enough to eat, do we.
    Jamaica. I remember an old German man demanding - in German - liver wurst.
    Those are moments you play dumb and don´t let people know you´re German, too.

  5. @Tandy -- bananas are ALWAYS in season because they grow in the tropics, especially in Costa RIca. Americans expect to see bananas in every produce department and even in convenience stores. So not finding them is a reason why people comment about shortages. I don't know why they have been out of stock in some places, butI would guess it's either problems with shipping or problems with people buying larger-than-usual quantities. Personally, I hate bananas so I haven't looked into the reason

    Also -- the pork processing plant that was shut down because too many workers were infected has received a huge amount of coverage in the press here. Other meat packing plants have also shut down, and it's going to be a real problem.

  6. I love the food songs!

  7. Love the songs! My husband scored some bananas on his bi-weekly shopping trip on Friday, but no green ones, so we have to eat them fast -- no hoarding any for next week!

  8. We grew up in a podunk town in Eastern was in a deep valley that stayed warmer than the cities on top of the hills, so it was known as the “Banana Belt” of the area (it was never *that* warm)... so our h.s. Band director had us play “yes we have no bananas “ as our marching theme song. Honestly, after having not touched a clarinet for over 60 years, I could almost play our version today ;)). (We all thought it was a corny old song, even that long ago. I like it better now than I did then! )


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