Monday, January 27, 2020

Don't Waste Your Time With This Book

I've already wasted too much time reading this dumbed-down version of human history. I'm not going to waste more time trying to explain what I don't like. There are much better books on human evolution, with way more subtlety and fewer sophomoric examples of the authors' prejudices.

NOTE: I know it's a best seller and has the endorsement of many famous people!


  1. Thanks for your honesty. I don't always trust the Bestsellers..

  2. Life is too short for bad books. "Bad" being a relative term but yes, no reason to finish.

  3. I totally agree with you. I don't understand the success of this book

  4. Way to go, Mae! I've seen the book, but didn't go much further. I've read too many mediocre books and don't have the patience to read one that doesn't grab me right away, so many books out there to read, why dwell on rubbish like this one! Great review!

  5. Thank you for the warning. Not every "bestseller" sells best, huh.


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