Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dining with Friends at Home and in Exotic Places

Throughout the year, we've enjoyed many meals with friends and family both at home and on our travels. Here's a selection of a few memorable occasions, looking back on the year.
San José, Costa Rica, Marriott Hotel Peruvian Restaurant with Abby, our
fellow traveler to Costa Rica. December, 2019.
Chili and cornbread for dinner the night before Thanksgiving, 2019. With Tom, Evelyn, Aparna, Delia, Joel, Len, Miriam, and Alice.
Reunion with friends we met in France immediately after we all graduated from college. October, 2019.

Our birding tour at Perko's diner in Sonora, California, one of many diners where we ate. September, 2019.

Dinner in the backyard with family. August, 2019.
Adam, Jason, Kaywin, Nat, Carol, and Ruby.
Ann Arbor Culinary Historians summer potluck. July, 2019.
Dining on the deck of the National Geographic Orion during our cruise in French Polynesia. May, 2019.

Lunch from a food truck in Washington, D.C. April, 2019.
South Carolina with Arny, Tracy, Elaine, and Larry. January, 2019.


  1. Fun idea, I might do the same thing.

  2. You surely had a really fun and productive 2019! Happy New Year!

  3. Wow, you make me nearly (!) a tad jealous ;-)
    Wonderful, I love the cruise shot most!
    And the D.C.! Simply perfect.
    Yum :-)

  4. I had intended to stop by before Christmas to visit, but time and real life got in the way. I'm glad I waited because I am in awe of all the places you visit. You must be really living the dream life. Sounds both fun and exotic! And to think it all revolves around food!

  5. Such wonderful times -- each photo tells a story of love and friendship!

  6. Hello,

    You have been to some wonderful places. I loved Costa Rica, it was one of my favorite places to visit. Lovely photos and memories. Enjoy your day and week ahead. Thanks for visiting my blog this past year! Happy New Year, I wish you all the best in 2020!


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