Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Crossing California

Sunup: we were looking for birds on a small road uphill from Mono Lake.

Our first bird was a sooty grouse -- a shy bird that's usually hard to see.

As we were starting our drive over the Sierras into the Central Valley,
we were delighted to see a prairie falcon on a utility pole.
After seeing the falcon, we all piled into the big van once more and our intrepid tour leader drove for six or seven hours
to get to Half Moon Bay on the coast side of the San Francisco Bay where we'll spend the next 3 days.

All photos & text ©2019 by Mae & Len Sander for Mae's Food Blog.
If you are reading this elsewhere it's been stolen.

1 comment:

  1. I never saw a grouse before. Very pretty birds!


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