Thursday, June 20, 2019

Salade Lyonnaise

Salade Lyonnaise, also called Salad Frisée aux Lardons. For complete instructions, see this recipe from
Bon Appetit magazine:
The recipe explains in detail how to poach the egg to top the lettuce and cooked bacon.
Frisée lettuce: locally grown from Argus farm market.
Bacon sautéed with onions. Wine vinegar is added to the pan and reduced
to make a vinaigrette dressing for the salad. I used locally produced bacon.

Just before serving, you pour the warm vinaigrette mixture over the lettuce to wilt it slightly.

A poached egg garnishes each bowl of salad. This dish is often served in Lyonnaise restaurants
called Bouchons, as well as in Parisian bistros.
All photos copyright © 2019 by Mae & Len Sander, for use by maefood dot blogspot dot com.


  1. I always love beautiful curly frisée lettuce! Your salad looks really trendy and delicious, Mae.

  2. I could eat that dressing by the spoonful.

  3. Yum.

  4. Now this is my kind of salad! Easy, delicious, effective. =)

  5. Simple, fresh, and good.

  6. I love salads that draw from a variety of greens. Looks delicious.

  7. I didn't like lardons when we lived in France because they were mostly fat and they were barely cooked. Yours look delicious.

  8. I love a poached egg on top of greens. ;-)

  9. how very delicious does this sound!


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