Sunday, June 30, 2019

In My Kitchen: June, 2019

In my kitchen in June I have several newly-acquired ceramic items, all really beautiful. Above is a pitcher that Evelyn made and gave me when we visited her in Fairfax. I also enjoyed shopping at the Ann Arbor Potters' Guild sale, where I always find irresistible items. This time I bought two items by a wonderful potter named Maki Lin. (Her website here.)

A plate made by Evelyn with a peanut butter sandwich.

A plate made by Maki Lin with chicken salad and cornbread.
A new food item in my kitchen: Hawaiian sandwich buns. We loved them with roast beef.
Local strawberries are very abundant this year, and we've had them a few times.
On my refrigerator: a magnet and post card from our
visit to Shenandoah N.P. this month.
We did a lot of cooking this month: example, this rib steak, which
weighed a bit over 2 pounds, and lasted 2 meals.
Finally: my new dishwasher arrived in the middle of the month. It's working beautifully.
I am pleased with a lot of the features, including the towel bar.
In my kitchen is the counter where we have breakfast each day. Figs are in season somewhere (not
in Michigan, I assure you) and so we had these beautiful figs and some of Len's rye bread.

Whee I'm sharing this!
Each month between 15 and 20 bloggers from around the world post an overview of what they've had in their kitchens recently. They write about new packaged foods, new fruits or vegetables, new gadgets, new cooking techniques, new recipes, and lots of other wonderful kitchen ideas. The list of these bloggers is at

All photos on this post are COPYRIGHT © 2019 by Mae E. Sander, writer of this blog. This post is written and published by maefood dot blogspot dot com, and if you see it elsewhere it's been stolen.


  1. That rib steak looks mouthwatering! I love your ceramic items...really beautiful.

  2. I especially like the first picture with the reflection. Beautiful.Thank you for the information concerning "July in Paris"

  3. The inside of the ceramic bowl is lovely. I really like the pattern and muted green grey colour. Hawaiian buns and bread is not a thing in Australian nor is it something people would even be familiar with. The only reason I know about it is because I saw it mentioned an Arby's ad the last time we visited the US. It sent me to Google to investigate. And look at that steak! It's enormous. They are called Tomahawk steaks here. (and perhaps there too). Figs for breakfast – what a treat ; )

  4. ah Mae, I love that you are always the first to jump onto the IMK blog post each month. Thank you!! you know how much i adore ceramics. that jug is so beautiful, as are the bowls. what a great idea to have a towel rack on the dishwasher. we are awaiting a new gas stove which was supposed to turn up 10 days ago but is still not here. one day i guess... Having noticed your warning about your photos, it made me think it would be interesting to see if any photos of mine were being stolen by anyone. Apparently you can set it up so that you are alerted if anyone does. but i don't know how. have a great july. cheers sherry

  5. Love, love, love those pottery pieces. Congrats on the new dishwasher! I am envious of those strawberries. Wish I could have picked some this year. Happy holiday week!

  6. I love, love it when you show what's in your kitchen. Jolly good with the new dishwasher (like the Brittania towel, too!) And I think your new pieces of pottery are beautiful. I can "see" them there!

    Hoping to get good berries at the market up north this week. My berry plants give me two a day -- and that's beginning to die out!

  7. That towel rail on the dishwasher is super clever. I have never seen that before and now I want one!

  8. Thank you for your lovely and kind words about my eye surgery and Aja. What a month! I’ll be glad to get back to normal around here.
    I’m working on an In My Kitchen post now. It’s always nice to see what everyone has, near and away places.

    The ceramic plates and bowls are pretty. I like supporting local businesses and artists.

  9. Mae, beautiful pottery especially the lovely jug. So luck you can get fresh strawberries and I am sure they taste amazing. Couldn't do without my dishwasher, enjoy your new one and love the handy towel bar too:)

  10. A classic pottery piece Mae and a perfect combo for breakfast, figs with rye bread.

  11. I have a thing for ceramics, but none that I have at home are as gorgeous as yours, esp. that ceramic plate - how could you eat of it, i'd be just admiring it :) Congrats on the dish washer, must say I did not know that KitchenAid made them. Local strawberries taste so much superior than those flown in.

  12. Hooray for a new dishwasher! What a cool idea to have a towel bar on the front. Your new ceramics are lovely and I'm totes jealous of the Hawaiian slider buns. My mom sent me a recipe for bulk toasted rolls a couple years back that you needed those buns for and when I told her we couldn't get them in Australia she was shocked. Ho hum. Hope you're having a lovely summer! =)

  13. Beautiful ceramics! And lovely summer fruits. I also have enjoyed perusing your Paris in July posts - you really celebrated Bastille Day with gusto!


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