Sunday, April 21, 2019

An Elephant Mural

In an alley in Lafayette, Indiana. Perfect for a rainy day.

Sharing this with Mural Monday at Colorful World:
Author of this content is Mae's food blog: Maefood dot 
If you are reading it somewhere else, it's been stolen!
Note copyright on photos.


  1. I am amazed at the murals that are popping up all over. We have a lot in Tulsa and we saw many on recent travels to Chicago and Arkansas. Happy Easter, Mae!

  2. Love the elephant and the bird mural Mae.
    Sorry about the link, I made a change to the post and the link disappeared. I've put it on again, so could you please link your post.
    Thank you :)

  3. I love the elephant and umbrella one!

  4. Great mural of the elephant and bird. I like them.

  5. ha ha! great elephant, with perfect aim


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