Monday, February 25, 2019


A Babylonian Dragon: a favorite from the Detroit Institute of Arts, where we often enjoy the collections.

A Chinese Dragon embroidered on an Imperial robe, 1700s-1800s. (DIA)
"Dragon and Tiger," attributed to Maruyama Okyo, Japanese, 1733-1795. (DIA)
Detail of the dragon from the screen by Okyo.

Many wonderful dragon images are in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. For me, a dragon should have a really goofy looking face, like the one above by Japanese artist Kano Seisen'in Osanobu (1796–1846). I found it in a slide show of dragon images from the Boston museum. I haven't been there in years, but I remember the dragons.

What made me think about dragons? In fact it was this dragon roll at the Slurping Turtle Restaurant in Ann Arbor.


  1. A goofy dragon is definitely the best 😊 How fabulous is the name 'Slurping Turtle', love it Mae 😀

  2. It's time to hit the DIA again. Too many museums. Too little time...

  3. Such a creative and beautiful plating with the dragon roll. I like sushi but haven’t been to a good sushi restaurant here in a while.


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