Friday, November 23, 2018

A Few Good Things to Eat In Paris

My favorite pastry: the tarte au citron. This was a particularly good version served in a small restaurant near Place Jussieu.
Breakfast: a croissant.
Soup with gambas (shirmp), coconut milk, and vegetables. First course
before the tarte au citron.
Classic onion soup with melted cheese on top! We ate this at a randomly
selected restaurant just off the Champs Elysée.
The most wonderful food, but the photos are dark! Shown here:
marvelous lamb chops. We really enjoyed the restaurant La Cette.
Absolutely fantastic fois gras with fruit, also at La Cette.
My main course at La Cette: roast pigeon. Amazing!
Another classic: blanquette de veau, served in a casserole, but I spooned it onto
my plate with rice. At restaurant L'Opportune, a Lyonnaise "bouchon."
Another classic at L'Opportune: quenelles de brochet.
Charcutrie with pommes a l'huile (potato salad).


  1. Wow the food looks so so good! Hope you had fun!

  2. My kind of Thanksgiving! What a great and ongoing feast you look to be enjoying, Mae!

  3. Ahh.... Paris....nuff said. Cheers

  4. Mae,
    So much wonderful looking food! There is nothing like a true French croissant!

  5. The soup has my attention but the croissant looks delicious as well. What a fun time.

  6. Oh, my goodness, now I´m really hungry! That looks delicious!

  7. The Rebel angels are amazing! I think I'm going to have to revisit the Louvre! You can simply never have enough time in huge world class museums, can you? I ought to look into whether there's a pass so you can just come and go like you do here. It means you can leave when you get visual overload and pop in anohter time.


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