Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween in My Neighborhood

Within a few blocks of our house are numerous amazingly decorated lawns, porches, and homes.

The pumpkin on the right weighs 1600 pounds. The couple who live in this house have gigantic pumpkins every year.
Around 1000 kids come to their house -- their living room floor is ready, with 1000 full-sized candy bars!
Monday, the owners were carving the pumpkins.
Going inside a 1600 pound pumpkin.
This one only weighed 1400 pounds. On Halloween, they'll be all lit up.
The giant pumpkins inspire the whole neighborhood.

Halloween at the Little Free Library.


  1. Super cool! Each one is great!!! And the trick-or-treaters must love the house with all the full size candy bars. Sadly, our neighborhood has grown up, very few trick or treaters and not many houses decorated. But, downtown in our little town, every house on Main St. looks like Halloween. Love that 1400 pound jack-o-lantern, what a good carving job! Happy Halloween!

  2. Hi Mae! Couldn't find email address for you but want you to know that I added your blog link to my last post. Hope that's OK!
    Take care,

  3. ...you live in a spooky hood! Enjoy👻🎃


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