Thursday, October 11, 2018

Desolation Sound

The morning of our last day on the National Geographic Sea Bird was rainy and gloomy. The expedition leader
decided we would wait until afternoon for a cruise on the Zodiac (or DIBS) boats. Luckily, it cleared up after lunch.
Our view from the Zodiac boat as we pulled away from the ship
Our destination was Desolation Sound Provincial Marine Park. Because the park has no hiking trails, we viewed it from
small boats on the water. Explorer George Vancouver led the first European expedition to the sound in 1792.
Unlike modern viewers, he did not see it as beautiful, but as desolate.
The kingfisher -- a very appealing bird!
We saw this river otter swim up to the bank and run into the steep, wooded hillside.

Other passengers opted for kayaking rather than watching for wildlife from the Zodiacs.
We saw this flock of mergansers fly over and land beside the cliffs.
On this tiny rock in the water: cormorants, a gull, and oyster catchers.

Oyster catchers are quite beautiful!
We saw many bald eagles on the trip.

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