Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: From the Farmer’s Market

...with fresh eggs from an Amish farm.

Leeks vinaigrette.


  1. I can look at food pictures all day! Fun stuff -- thanks.

  2. Who needs words with this?!

  3. I came by after reading your comment on my oven roasted ratatouille, and its even made me smile that we have pretty much the same glass oval dish - dare I say it, great minds think alike, YOu made more of an effort with your roasting in advance, I just chucked everything in.

  4. I'm going to be so sad when our farmer's market closes for the season.

  5. I love the farmer's market produce! I'll be missing it - I just bought zucchini and they told me it will be the last week for zucchini-

  6. They all look good - esp. the leeks vinaigrette. Well, actually, all of them!


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