Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Welcome to Seattle!

We flew from Michigan to Seattle this morning, checked into our hotel, and took a long walk past various street art,
street bicycles, and lots of people on the streets. What a young, hip crowd!
Pike Place Market. By the time we got there we were starving!
We ate some raw oysters, crab salad, and deep-fried scallops
at a popular though disorganized lunch counter.
We found an elevator down to the waterfront. Then we had to walk back up.
The first of many stairways was decorated with a large mural.
At the top of the stairs was the Seattle Art Museum, where we spent quite a bit of time looking at the collections
of Pacific Coast Native American art.


  1. Where's that gloomy sky that they say comes part and parcel with Seattle? It looks like you hit the jackpot on weather and of course on wonderful things to do. What a great visit!

  2. I love street art and the first picture is really cool. I'd love to go to Seattle, but can't see it ever happening with a husband who doesn't like to fly. So its good to be a tourist through other peoples eyes. Thank you

  3. Nice mural and very interesting visit to Seattle. Love the big street art girls.

  4. Great art works. Like them.

  5. ...thanks for the mini Seattle tour! Love the street art, mural and the Native American art. Let's take another tour again soon.

  6. I was in Seattle myself earlier this year but didn't see any of these, you must've walked a different route than I did! Enjoy your time there, I know I did.


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