Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: William Butler Yeats' Birthday



  1. That's a lovely epitaph. It's nice to see that tombstone so well taken care of.

  2. The whole stanza from the poem "Under Ben Bulben" that's quoted on his epitaph:

    Under bare Ben Bulben's head
    In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid,
    An ancestor was rector there
    Long years ago; a church stands near,
    By the road an ancient Cross.
    No marble, no conventional phrase,
    On limestone quarried near the spot
    By his command these words are cut:

    Cast a cold eye
    On life, on death.
    Horseman, pass by!

  3. Such a nice post! I haven't read much Yeats -- but you've inspired me. :-)

  4. Mae, thanks for posting this.


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