Wednesday, November 29, 2017

New Mona Lisa Items

Sighted in the Carnegie Museum Shop: paper models of heads belonging to famous art works. Had to have the Mona Lisa head.
I'm not sure I'll be opening and assembling this.
60 minute estimate is probably way too little time!
Notice that it says 169 multi-shape polygons,
put together with tabs and slots. I could see that the
ones at the shop were taped, suggesting that
this is not a project I want to do.

A book I've been meaning to read. 

This is almost wordless Wednesday, but I didn't quite stay entirely mute.

UPDATE: I read the book by Alexander Lernet-Holenia -- amusing fictional story about Leonardo and Mona Lisa, but not particularly enlightening or historically relevant.


  1. Fun stuff! Didn't know Mona Lisa had become a "thing" like this. Like the idea, though. :-)

  2. Mona definitely looks better with her longer hair than the Dutch Bob right here! That style worked for Amalie. Not for Mona!


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