Sunday, October 01, 2017

Will we grill again this season?

A few October decorations in the dining room ... the weather is acting like fall, and tonight might be the last time we grill.
Here are sliced onions, eggplant, and tomatoes ready to cook in this summer's
new accessory: a grilling basket for smoky stir-frying. All local produce!
On the grill...
Stir-frying the onions and eggplant, to be tossed with a bit of pasta, oil, and herbs.

Baked earlier: streusel cake -- our dessert with the last of the
applesauce I made in August. Summer over? Perhaps.


  1. I do wish we had a grill / barbecue! I hope you squeeze a last bit of joy from yours before the weather interferes.

  2. It started to act like fall here in Philadelphia and I was loving the cooler evenings- I got out all my fall sweaters and pants and guess what it's back up to 85- crazy!! Hope you get a little more grilling in..

  3. We grill all year round, even when it's snowing.

  4. My brother up in Running Springs, CA also grills when it's snowing. Of course for him it's partly an excuse to throw a ball at the dog, smoke a cigar and have a drink meanwhile. I've got one of those grilling baskets, and need to actually get it out and use the thing. Good inspiration.

  5. Looks delicious. We will continue to grill until it gets too cold (I'm in Ontario, Canada)

  6. We just got a grill last June. So far, we have used it...once. How do you prod...uh hem, encourage others in your household to take up their chef apron and seize the day?


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