Saturday, February 25, 2017

Peru Food Miscellany

In the Amazon village we visited, I saw these boys enjoying ice cream -- a definite sign of modern times, as it means
a freezer on site must be powered with electricity all the time! 
In the same village, we saw several gardens where people grew tropical plants, such as these fruit-bearing palm trees.
There were many chickens roaming around the village, which means, I assume that they eat eggs and chicken, though
we learned that chicken is a festival dish, and fish is more frequent. Another staple is manioc, which is also cultivated.

On the cruise boat we learned about the many local fruits, especially the vitamin-rich camu-camu, the sapote,
the various types of cacao (chocolate), and several others.

Often, when village children showed interesting things to the tour group, our guides rewarded them with water bottles.
As we were leaving the area, we visited a center for teaching children environmental responsibility. The above decorations
made from used water bottles illustrate to me how problems of trash and recycling are a global issue.
In the Lima airport area we saw this huge ad for Coca-Cola.
Note that the air was very smoggy -- signs of "civilization" !
As I've mentioned, the lunch and dinner tables on the boat were always decorated with clever raffia craftwork.

And the food we were served was always beautiful, like this rolled chicken.


  1. The table setting is fun. And, yes, plastics and pollution are everywhere.

  2. Peru I place that hasn't been in my bucket list but you sure make it appealing. I like the table crafts and the photos of the food. The recycling of things to make crafts is interesting.
    Thanks for you good is he's for my returning health. A cold can be so annoying ....the after effects just seem to hang on.

  3. It makes me sad to see "civilization" everywhere, especially that smog. That aside, it looks like a wonderful trip!

  4. The rolled chicken looks almost too pretty to eat!


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