Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Recent Reading Roundup

Though I'm having a wonderful and action-packed stay in Kauai, I have read a few books in the last week, including quite a bit of reading on the long plane ride and airport waiting times. (Lucky us, the Delta meltdown was a few days after our trip!) What I don't have is time to write about the books, so I'm just going to make a list:

  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child -- I read the screenplay that opened in London last month. It's ok but I think I'd rather see than read it. Anything else I could say would be a spoiler.

  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie -- Its insider-outsider perspective on the USA, the fact that the central character earns a living as a blogger, and the fascinating portrayal of life in Africa are great, though I found the ending a little forced. Lots of good things about food!

  • Ostend: Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and the Summer before the Dark by Volker Weidermann -- pretty much for aficionados of Austrian and German writers of the era between the two World Wars. I liked it, and learned about a few obscure writers I hadn't heard of before. The relationships among these writers were new to me.

I'm now reading two others. May not finish soon!

1 comment:

  1. You're not just reading. You're reading Heavy! (Well, maybe not Harry Potter's script). Glad you didn't get stuck in the Delta issues. We're flying Jet Blue next week and they've had their own issues.


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