Saturday, March 19, 2016

Birding Cape May

In a garden near the lighthouse we saw very interesting dried plants.
Scoters off Cape May point.
Great Cormorants on the jetty from our very cold birding cruise on the Osprey.
Harlequin ducks and a scoter.
Cape May fishing boats, which fish mostly for scallops. In restaurants, we've had wonderful local oysters too.
Dedicated birders on the Osprey in a rainstorm (or was it sleet?)
What it really looked like.


  1. Apart from the rain it looks like you were having a great time! Get home before the snow!

  2. I read your past posts. Your curry looked very yummy. Yesterday I cooked a green cauliflower – I think it was called a “romanesco” at Trader Joe’s. I cooked it 3 minutes in the microwave with 1 tsp olive oil and 1 TBS water. On the side I made a curry sauce for it – flour, butter, then I added my special curry spices that I bought at Penzey’s like Balti, Maharajah, turmeric, ginger and so on, then I added ½ cup of ½ and ½ - it was very good on the cauliflower. Now I have to write the recipe of the sauce before I forget it.

    I liked all the Mona Lisa you showed – great moustaches. I also copied the recipe for the lemon bread. I have been trying to make a lemon cake with ricotta and have tried it twice – am not completely satisfied and will try again. I enjoyed reading about your travels and looking at your lovely pictures. There cannot be any traveling for us right now, and I miss it.


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