Sunday, February 28, 2016

Panama Highlights

My favorite bird: the Trogan. We saw five different species of this bird.
During our trip to Panama, most of my blog posts were very hasty, and though our main activity was watching wildlife, especially birds, I posted very few bird photos. Len has now identified the birds in many of the photos we took, so I wanted to follow up with a few of my favorites, and also follow up with a few of the images from our visit to the Panama Canal.

First, from Len's Flickr set, here are a few bird favorites. (Click on a photo to see all bird photos.)

maesbirds 1 A Masked Tityra, one of many birds I had never heard of before.

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A Rubescent Tiger Heron.

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A Gray-headed Kite.

Birdwatchers in the jungle.
Len exiting the vehicle that took us to most of our destinations.
Our only excursion that wasn't dedicated to birdwatching was to the museum and overlook at the Millaflores Locks on the Panama Canal. Two years ago, when we went through the Panama Canal on the Lindblad ship, we saw these locks from the inside (so to speak). This time, we looked at them from various levels of the large museum building. The exhibits inside were mainly closed, but that was ok, I just wanted to watch the two huge container ships and the one little sightseeing boat go through the canal.

day 4 13
Small sightseeing boat and big container ship going through the locks in the farther channel.

day 4 14
An even larger container ship, piled high with containers, in the closer of the two channels.

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The locks as we saw them in 2014 from the Lindblad-National Geographic Sea Lion


  1. What a great collection of bird photos!

  2. You must have been in seventh heaven with all those birds. Looks like a fascinating place -- and a great time of year to be there!


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