Sunday, February 14, 2016

Night and Day

A Wooly Possom that we saw on our night adventure last Wednesday in Panama.
Florida! We flew here from Panama yesterday. The chaos in customs & immigration at the Miami airport was horrendous. Now we're visiting Jean and Jack in Boynton Beach. We are taking the day off of birdwatching -- though we just watched a cormorant, a vulture, and an egret fly by from the porch. It's nice to have a little downtime after 5 days of nonstop birding.

Panama birdwatching and creature watching, in retrospect, was fantastic. I scarcely had time to post photos, and Len is still working on adding the bird IDs to his photos. These night creatures were the highlight of our owl search on Wednesday night. Though the owls didn't show up, we saw 5 kinds of mammals and one unusual bird. I'm posting three of them here. The sloth photos from the daytime were better, so I didn't include the two kinds of sloth we saw on the night trip.

A Kinkajou, also at night
An Armadillo (or at least part of him).
The Pauraque, sitting on the ground. It's a tropical relative of the Whip-poor-will that's seen in the US.

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