Sunday, November 22, 2015

Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor Winter Dinner

Before dinner: uncovering all the potluck dishes.
The theme of the winter potluck of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor was "The Spice of Life." Most people shared one of their favorite dishes, resulting in a great and wonderful variety of tastes. Before we ate, each cook explained briefly what they had prepared and which spices were involved. Lots of different spice blends and ethnic cuisines provided fascinating variety. I really enjoyed sampling Ras-al-Hanout spice blend in a tagine from Morocco, Danish meatballs, Middle-Eastern meatballs, herb-filled quiche, minty chicken squares with garlic mayonnaise, ten-spice lentils, early American pumpkin spice cake, carob brownies, and many other dishes.

Appetizers included Samosas from East Asia and Muhammara
from the Middle East.
Lavendar-Rosemary Shortbread -- fabulous!

Our leader Jan Longone.


  1. What a wonderful celebration of spices, Mae! I must ask, is that "THEE" Jan Longone??? How exciting. I actually have that New York Times book around here somewhere. Now, I'm curious as to where it is , lol...

    Dear Mae, thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. I'm planning on blogging once again in earnest in January. Fingers crossed...

    Sending delicious wishes for you and yours this Thanksgiving season. Enjoy each and every bite and each and every loved one:)

  2. The one and only Jan Longone!

  3. So much nice food! The lavender shortbread looks great and the Samosas too. I like Middle Eastern food although I mostly eat it out in restaurants, I would love to learn more about it.
    Nice post!


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