Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sriracha: the Old and the New

The old bottle with the rooster lasted us quite a while....
During the time we were enjoying it, Huy Fong Foods moved from Rosemead,
to Irwindale CA.
Last year it looked as if the feud between the makers of Sriracha -- not a trademarked name, but really the original is this one! -- and their neighbors might disrupt the supplies of this deservedly popular condiment. I was really glad when they settled their differences and future bottles of Sriracha are assured! I had to go to three stores to find the real deal, not an imitation.


  1. I love my sauce! (And a little goes a long, long way!) Glad their feud is over, though I didn't know they had one!

  2. Yes, I heard about the issue with the Sriracha...and I cannot believe that only the rooster was patented...amazing...glad that you found the original one...
    Have a great week Mae :)

  3. I have never tried this sauce, but understand it goes well with pho (something else I haven't tried).

  4. The amazing thing about sriracha is that it goes with many things, and with a variety of different cuisines. It's on the table at many American restaurants and ethnic restaurants in America now.

  5. I am a big sriracha fan. I would be lost without my bottle in the fridge.

  6. There has also been a lot of controversy about the smell of it when it is made.

  7. I personally love it.


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