Friday, March 06, 2015


Artichokes make me think of both California and the south of France,
especially California. I was really happy to find a package of four reasonably
fresh ones at Trader Joe's this afternoon. I brought them home and steamed them. 
I put mayonnaise on two of them, and vinaigrette on the other two, ready to serve and eat.
I guess quite a lot of people remember eating their first artichoke,
either knowing or not knowing how to scrape the good part off the leaves with their front teeth.
I made a simple lettuce, cucumber, and grapefruit salad to go with them.
It just happens that the book I am reading has a big artichoke
on the cover, and is about California cuisine.


  1. My sister had a favorite description of artichokes as being a food where you seemed to have more left after the meal than you did at the beginning.

  2. My mother used to cook artichokes but I have never done so. I do love the look of your two different versions xx


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