Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pike Place Market

SaturdayMae 3
Seattle's Pike Place Market, right beside the docks, has fresh shellfish, regular fish,
and lots of fruit, vegetables, flowers, and miscellaneous stuff.
SaturdayMae 4
Jack's serves fresh market fish, their own smoked fish, and shellfish.
We enjoyed some oysters for a mid-morning snack.
SaturdayMae 1
We loved looking at all the fish for sale.
Then we had clam stew and crabcakes for lunch at the Steelhead Diner.
The Diner prepares the fresh fish and serves a bit more formally than this stand, which sells raw fish and
various paper cups full of shellfish to eat while walking around the market.


  1. so that's where you are, lol...I have a Pike's Market Place Cookbook, Mae. I really should share some recipes one day.

    Thanks for sharing some great shots!

  2. Seattle is on my bucket list -- and Pike's is at the top of Seattle!


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