Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No pumpkin problem

I've read that the floods in the Northeast are causing a pumpkin shortage. But there's good news! The shortage is local -- pumpkins grow in every state, and they travel well. Says the wonderful Consumer Reports blog The Consumerist --
"That means if New York is having a tough pumpkin season, that's okay, Michigan will come to the rescue! Or California, or Texas! Worst case scenario, you might have to pay a little bit more or not get that mega huge one you usually go for, but isn't a magnificently carved jack-o-lantern worth a dollar more and a size downgrade? Charlie Brown would say yes."

1 comment:

  1. No pumpkin shortage here either, Mae. Although, I'm not too fond of those gnarly looking pumpkins. I'll get Marion a teeny "regular" pumpkin.

    Thanks for sharing...


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