Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day Picnic

South Lake, Michigan, Labor Day 2011 at Nat's house. Too cool to go out on the lake, but we saw two sandhill cranes walking on the beach -- actually the way they lifted their long legs simultaneously looked more like marching than like walking. We had a big picnic which everyone collaborated on. Appetizers from Greek Town; grilled vegetables, peaches, and chicken-sausage skewers; watermelon salad; caprese salad; fresh corn kernels; and dessert of blondies, plum cake, and rosemary shortbread. Did I forget anything? Wine, beer, coffee...


Sausage and chicken skewers with fresh herbs & peaches, ready to grill


Adam, Kaywin, and Lenny grilling.

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Indoor cooks Adam and Nat ... missed a photo of Carol making the watermelon salad



Dinner is ready.

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Blondies and plum cake.

1 comment:

  1. I do love Sandhill cranes but that food looks even better than how I imagine the cranes! Nothing like a Labor Day picnic, I think. Ours? Cold, wet and definitely inside!


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