Monday, February 08, 2010

The second-to-last donuts?

Jesse examined the contents of the doughnut box and selected another cinnamon-sugar.
"Moll?" he said, and offered the box.
"My God," Molly said. "keep those away from me, you animal."
Jesse shrugged and pushed the box toward Suit. Suit took out a honey-dip and bit into it. (p. 244)

I know that one more Jesse Stone novel by Robert Parker is about to be published, posthumously. And maybe more are in the publisher's pipeline. But somehow, I feel as if these characters, who speak so tersely and eat so appetizingly, are no longer quite as alive, now that their creator has died. Night and Day, source of this typical little quote, was published in hard-cover a year ago, just now in paperback. Another titled Split Image is coming in a day or two. Maybe there will even be one more with Spenser. But I'm sad that like so many good things, these series are all coming to an end. No more donuts.


  1. I'm sad, too. I loved Robert B Parker's books.

  2. I always liked the Jesse Stone books. As a character, he does seem to haunt one's memory because of his very human qualities. Terse, that's the word for the men's conversation style in so many Parker books.


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