Monday, July 07, 2008

Toronto Restaurants

Bar Mercurio -- an expensive, but very good restaurant on Bloor Street next door to the Holiday Inn where we stayed. We ate there once last September as well, with several other people, so we've seen quite a few dishes. This three fish sampler -- a prawn, a salmon filet, and swordfish on steamed veggies -- was very nice and not too heavy.
And here's a panini in process of being eaten at an outdoor Italian cafe on Baldwin Street: a delightful little neighborhood near Chinatown. Choices within a block or two include Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Italian, and non-specific cuisines with very appealing atmosphere.
Finally, my plate as I was eating a dim sum basket of steamed buns at Pearl, in the big Harbourfront complex. Touristy, but good.

For my non-food report on idiosyncratic enjoyment in Toronto see the recent posts at

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely stop by the travel blog once I get caught up on my reading.


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