Wednesday, August 17, 2016

At the Kauai Culinary Market

Lots of vegetables.

You can see that the market is held in a shopping center. Some of the shops also display products outdoors.

Fruits: mangos, gaviota, papayas, lilikoi (passion fruit), and many others.


  1. What a great farmers market. I have never visited Hawaii but would love to one day.

  2. So nice! Some fruits that I don't recognize, though I've had star fruit in Florida and enjoyed it. The last time I had mango was when I was in Hawaii...4 years ago!! Sad. Love those Birds of Paradise.

  3. How interesting! I'm a regular at the different farmer's markets here but it's so fun to see how the produce differs in different areas!

  4. I wish it was warm here!f. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  5. I LOVE farmers' markets... but I expect those is Hawaii are especially wonderful!


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